6 min read
Taylor Stafford-Smith

Unleash Cloud Native Agility with Control Plane

Control Plane is an Internal Developer Platform (IDP), delivering instant cloud-native maturity without extensive time and financial investment. FREEDOM to Run Compute Anywhere. Control Plane exposes a single pane of glass to streamline the developer experience, especially when managing multiple environments.

Unleash Cloud Native Agility with Control Plane

All tasks achieved via the Control Plane UI can be interchangeably accomplished programmatically using the CLI, API, and Terraform, all while integrating seamlessly with any CI/CD provider. When using Control Plane, engineers can create an unlimited number of Global Virtual Clouds™ (GVC™). A GVC™ is simply a named collection of locations within one or multiple cloud regions, and even on-prem environments. Regions can span across clouds easily. These locations can encompass those from AWS, GCP, Azure, secondary cloud providers like Hetzner, Oracle, Linode, and more, as well as on-premises bare metal machines or virtual machines (VMs).

When backend code is deployed to a GVC™, the workload gets instantly served as TLS endpoints from the GVC™’s locations, featuring built-in geo-routing. If a location or region experiences an outage, end-users remain unaffected as they are instantly routed to the nearest healthy location within the GVC™ delivering the lowest latency. Engineers have the flexibility to select any combination of locations that the organization requires to attain 99.999% availability, ultra-low latency, and security and compliance requirements.

A GVC™ can consist of the following:
1. Locations provided by Control Plane: Workloads deployed to these locations run on Control Plane’s pre-existing clusters, eliminating the hassle of setting up your own clusters or creating your own cloud accounts. Control Plane offers all locations from AWS, GCP, and Azure.
2. Locations provided by you or your customers.
3. A hybrid combination of both 1 and 2.

Unleash Cloud Native Agility with Control Plane

Cloud-native agility is essential for organizations looking to thrive in today’s fast-paced digital economy. By embracing cloud-native technologies and practices, organizations can become more responsive, innovative, and competitive, enabling them to adapt and succeed in an ever-changing business landscape.

This blog post offers a comprehensive dive into Control Plane, your one-stop internal developer platform for building and deploying cloud-native applications with global reach and unparalleled efficiency. Buckle up and get ready to experience the future of cloud development.

Instant Cloud-Native Maturity at Your Fingertips

Assessing cloud-native maturity helps organizations understand their progress in leveraging cloud-native technologies and practices to achieve agility, scalability, and efficiency in their software development and operations. It also provides a roadmap for further improvements and investments in cloud-native capabilities. 

Imagine having access to the robust infrastructure of a company like Netflix without years of development and a hefty price tag. Control Plane makes this dream a reality. Our platform empowers you to achieve instant cloud-native maturity, allowing you to focus on what matters most – building products for your global audience.

Effortlessly Create Your Global Virtual Cloud (GVC™)

Control Plane offers a unique concept called the Global Virtual Cloud (GVC™). Think of it as a global network of computing resources built with ease. You can leverage locations provided by Control Plane without registering your own cloud account, bring your Raspberry PI machines, your VMware hosts, or your locations, or seamlessly integrate your existing cloud accounts from providers like AWS, Azure, GCP, and more. 

This flexibility ensures you have complete control over your infrastructure. As the administrator, You will have the freedom to enable any combination of locations and compute absolutely anywhere. 

Key Benefits of the Global Virtual Cloud (GVC™)

  • You can select your cloud provider from options like AWS, Azure, and GCP, along with their various global locations.
  • Opt for locations that are near to your end users to minimize latency. 
  • Choose locations that best suit the needs of your workloads.
  • Ensure maximum uptime by diversifying across multiple locations within your chosen cloud provider. This strategy helps mitigate the impact of occasional outages.
  • Take advantage of granular controls to fine-tune the scaling parameters of your workloads. This flexibility allows you to optimize performance and cost efficiency based on your specific requirements.

Deploy Workloads with Ease and Speed

Our internal developer platform makes deploying applications to your GVC™ a breeze. Control Plane provides various options, including a user-friendly UI, a powerful CLI, API, and Terraform integration. You can also integrate your favorite CI/CD pipeline for a seamless development workflow.

Experience Unmatched Global Reach and Performance

Control Plane shines when it comes to delivering your applications to a global audience. With its intelligent routing system, your users are always directed to the nearest healthy location within your GVC™, ensuring the lowest possible latency for an exceptional user experience. 

For example, even if a single location within an AWS zone went down, your users would be routed to the nearest healthy location and experience minimal interruptions to their experience. Instead of confining architects to a limited portion of the cloud infrastructure, Control Plane empowers them to construct a robust and user-friendly amalgamation of various clouds and their resources.

Simplified Log Management and Monitoring

Control Plane centralizes all your application logs, making it easy to monitor performance and troubleshoot issues. Filter logs by various criteria, leverage the built-in log query language, visualize everything in the interface, or Grafana, a popular open-source analytics platform. You can easily view where it was servcd, the provider, the replica, the stream version and more. 

Developer-Friendly Experience for Your Team

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or starting out, Control Plane caters to your needs. Access to our free private image repository and our intuitive interface streamlines the development process, allowing your team to focus on creating innovative applications instead of battling infrastructure complexities.

Control Plane: Your Fast Track to Cloud-Native Success

Control Plane is the perfect platform for businesses looking to build and scale globally with unparalleled efficiency. Its combination of features, including:

  • Instant cloud-native maturity
  • Effortless Global Virtual Cloud creation
  • Diverse workload deployment options
  • Global reach with intelligent routing
  • Centralized log management and monitoring
  • Developer-friendly experience

These empower you to achieve your cloud-native goals faster and more efficiently than ever before. Ready to unlock the potential of your application? Experience the future of cloud development with Control Plane.