8 min read

Options for Hosting an API and How It Work

In this post, we’ll explore some of the popular options for hosting an API. We’ll also see how hosting an API works.

In today’s world, application programming interfaces (APIs) play a critical role in enabling software systems to communicate with each other, exchange data, and provide valuable services. 

APIs are the foundation of modern web applications, mobile apps, and IoT (internet of things) devices. This allows them to interact with back-end servers, databases, and other APIs to deliver seamless experiences to users. 

In this post, we’ll explore some of the popular options for hosting an API. We’ll also see how hosting an API works. 

What Is API Hosting and Where Can It Be Done?

When it comes to hosting an API, there are several options available, each with its own advantages and considerations. 

Cloud-based Hosting

Cloud-based hosting has gained significant popularity in recent years due to its scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. 

With cloud-based hosting, APIs are hosted on virtual servers that are provisioned and managed by cloud service providers. Some examples are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). 

To host an API on the cloud, you typically start by creating a virtual machine (VM) or a container instance on the cloud provider’s platform. You can then install and configure the necessary software on the VM or container. 

Once your API is deployed, you can access it using a URL or an IP address. 

One of the significant advantages of cloud-based hosting is its scalability. 

Cloud providers allow you to dynamically scale your API up or down based on demand. This means that you can easily handle traffic spikes and ensure smooth performance, even during peak periods, without worrying about server capacity. 

Additionally, cloud-based hosting offers flexibility in terms of choosing computing resources. Some of the resources are CPU, memory, and storage, which are best suited for your API’s requirements. 

You can also take advantage of other cloud services such as databases, authentication services, etc. This improves the overall functionality of your API. 

Cloud-based hosting also provides robust security features, such as firewalls, encryption, and identity and access management (IAM). This helps protect your API and data from unauthorized access. 

Cloud providers also offer monitoring and logging capabilities to help you track and troubleshoot issues with your API.


Self-hosting, also known as on-premises hosting, involves hosting an API on your own servers or hardware infrastructure. 

With self-hosting, you have full control over the hosting environment and can customize it to suit your specific requirements. However, it also requires you to manage all the crucial aspects of hosting. This can be more complex and time-consuming compared with cloud-based hosting. 

To self-host an API, you need to set up your own servers. This could be either physical or virtual. 

Then, you’d need to install and configure the necessary software, such as a web server or an API gateway. You also need to ensure that your servers have sufficient resources such as CPU, memory, and storage. This would ensure you can handle the traffic and performance requirements of your API. 

One of the significant benefits of self-hosting is the level of control it provides. You have complete autonomy over the hosting environment, which allows you to fine-tune it to meet your specific needs. 

Self-hosting also provides better data privacy and security, since you have full visibility and control over your API’s data and access. 

However, it also requires you to have expertise and resources to manage and maintain the hosting environment. This includes hardware, software, networking, and regular security updates. 

API-as-a-Service (aaS)

API-as-a-service, also known as APIaaS, is a cloud-based hosting model where APIs are offered as a fully managed service by specialized API providers. 

These providers manage the underlying hosting infrastructure. They also provide an easy-to-use platform on the top level, which allows developers to deploy, manage, and scale APIs without having to worry about the complexities of infrastructure management. 

To use API-as-a-service, you typically sign up for an account with the API provider. Then, you create an API and configure its settings, security, endpoints, and data sources. This is usually done through a user-friendly dashboard or API management console. 

The provider then takes care of hosting and managing the API. This includes scaling, monitoring, security, and maintenance. This allows you, as a developer, to focus on developing the functionality of your API. 

One of the main advantages of API-as-a-service is its simplicity and ease of use. It eliminates the need for you to set up and manage your own servers or infrastructure. This proves to be a cost-effective and time-efficient option for hosting APIs. 

It also provides scalability and reliability. The API provider handles the infrastructure management. This ensures that your API can handle traffic spikes and perform well under varying loads. 

Additionally, API-as-a-service often comes with built-in features. Some of the features are caching, authentication, and documentation. These features can streamline the development and deployment process. 

However, it’s important to note that using an API-as-a-service provider also means relying on a third-party service. This may have limitations or restrictions on customization, data privacy, and security. 

It’s crucial to thoroughly evaluate the API provider’s features, performance, reliability, and security before choosing this hosting option. 

Serverless Hosting

Serverless hosting, also known as function-as-a-service (FaaS), is a cloud-based hosting model where APIs are built and deployed as small, self-contained functions. 

The functions are executed on demand in response to specific events or triggers without the need for a dedicated server. 

This hosting model abstracts the underlying infrastructure, allowing developers to focus solely on writing the business logic of their APIs. They don’t have to worry about server management or scaling. 

With serverless hosting, you define functions that contain the logic of your API. These functions are then deployed to a cloud provider’s serverless computing platform, such as AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, or Google Cloud Functions. 

These functions are then triggered by specific events. The triggers are usually API requests, database changes, or message queues. They execute in isolation, with the cloud provider handling the scaling, monitoring, and maintenance. 

Benefits of Serverless Hosting

Serverless hosting offers several advantages, including cost-efficiency, scalability, and ease of deployment. Since you only pay for the computing time and resources used by your functions, serverless hosting can prove to be cost-effective, especially for APIs with variable workloads or sporadic usage patterns. 

It also provides automatic scaling. The cloud provider usually handles the scaling of the functions based on the incoming events. This ensures that your API can handle varying loads without manual intervention. 

Additionally, serverless hosting allows for rapid deployment and development iterations. Hence, you can quickly update or replace individual functions without impacting the entire API. 

Challenges of Serverless Hosting

However, serverless hosting also has limitations, such as potential performance overheads due to arbitrarily starting/stopping each instance. 

Also, other limitations exist such as execution time, memory, and resources of each function. It also requires careful consideration of the event triggers and the architecture of the API. 

Serverless hosting is generally fully managed by the cloud provider, allowing less freedom over security, scaling and allocating databases, etc., as these are auto-managed by the cloud provider. 

Users also enjoy ultra-low latency around the globe as Control Plane routes to containerized workloads in a geo-optimized manner.

How to Host APIs With Control Plane

The Control Plane team has created a product that allows developers to easily combine and configure public and private clouds, mixing and matching cloud services from AWS, GCP, Azure, or any other cloud to build flexible and unbreakable cloud infrastructure. 

Users also enjoy ultra-low latency around the globe as Control Plane routes to containerized workloads in a geo-optimized manner. 

You can set up APIs with ease, as Control Plane allows you to set up VPCs or containers across the world and across different cloud providers. This allows your API to be highly scalable and with uniform access control (UAC), which allows you to have a common security and identity access group. 

Hence, you can set up a production-grade API with ease and a spread-out container cluster across different cloud platforms. This allows your users to have the fastest load time and almost zero downtime. 

Do these features seem like what you were looking for? Then book a free demo now


In this post, we’ve discussed the different types of hosting APIs and the benefits and challenges of each type of API hosting. 

However, we can conclude that having control over the management of security, data privacy, and logs in a hosting environment is crucial while hosting your API. 

With Control Plane, you have complete control over the management of hosting, security, and logs. Your application can be deployed and managed across different platforms and geo-locations with one pricing and a single dashboard. 

You can read more about Control Plane here

This post was written by Pranav Upadhyaya. Pranav has experience in Python development and data structures. He has built applications in the field of web development, data scraping, analytics, and blockchain.