11 min read

Hosting Back-End Application: An Overview

Read on for a brief tutorial on how to create and deploy a back-end application to a hosting service.

This post will give you a comprehensive overview of back-end hosting: what it is, why it matters, types of hosting, popular hosting options, and how to choose them. Then, we’ll give a brief tutorial on how to create and deploy a back-end application to a hosting service. 

What Is Back-End Hosting?

Back-end hosting is the process of hosting the back-end components of a web application on a server or set of servers. The back end includes server-side logic, database management, and other functionalities that handle data processing and business logic for an application. You can host back-end components using various options such as 

  • virtual private servers,
  • dedicated servers,
  • cloud hosting platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud, and
  • serverless computing environments like AWS Lambda and Azure Functions.

Which you choose for back-end hosting will depend on several factors, including the application’s scalability and security requirements, expected traffic, budget, and level of control you need over the infrastructure. 

Importance of Back-End Hosting

Back-end hosting is crucial to the success of a web application because it provides the foundation for its functionality, performance, and scalability. Additionally, back-end hosting ensures that the back-end components of a web application are always available, secure, and capable of handling the expected load. Here are some of the reasons why back-end hosting is essential: 

  • Performance: A web application’s back-end components are in charge of server-side processing, database management, and other functionalities. Hosting these components on dependable and powerful servers ensures that the application can handle large amounts of data and user requests without stuttering or crashing.
  • Scalability: Back-end hosting platforms such as cloud hosting and serverless computing environments enable web applications to handle sudden spikes in traffic or growing user bases. This ensures the application can evolve alongside the business and meet changing user demands.
  • Security: Hosting a web application’s back-end components on secure servers protects against various security threats such as hacking, data breaches, and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. Secure back-end hosting can protect sensitive user data and business information.
  • Maintenance and management: Back-end hosting platforms such as managed hosting and serverless computing environments can take care of maintenance and management tasks such as software updates, backups, and monitoring. This frees up developers’ time to develop and improve the application’s features and functionality.

Types of Hosting for Back-End Applications

The following are the most common types of hosting options for back-end applications: 

  • Shared hosting: Shared hosting is a web hosting arrangement in which multiple websites share a single server’s resources such as disk space, bandwidth, and processing power. Each website has its own partitioned space on the server and is allocated a certain amount of resources. This type of hosting can result in slower performance and less security. For small and low-traffic applications, shared hosting can be a cost-effective option.
  • Dedicated hosting: A dedicated server is provided only for the back-end application in this type of hosting. Unlike shared hosting, this provides a high level of performance and security, but it’s costly and requires significant technical expertise for setup and management.
  • Virtual private server (VPS) hosting: VPS hosting provides the advantages of a dedicated server but at a lower cost. A physical server is divided into many virtual servers, each with its own set of resources and operating system in VPS hosting. This provides greater control and security than shared hosting but requires more technical expertise for setup and management.
  • Cloud hosting: Back-end applications are hosted in the cloud on virtual servers that are provisioned and managed by cloud service providers such as AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure. Cloud hosting provides high scalability, flexibility, and availability and can be a cost-effective option for applications with varying traffic.
  • Serverless computing: Serverless computing is a new hosting option in which the cloud provider manages the infrastructure and automatically scales resources as needed to handle the workload of the back-end application. Serverless computing has the potential to provide high scalability and cost efficiency, but it necessitates a change in application architecture and development practices.

You should consider the benefits and drawbacks of each hosting option before deciding on the one that best meets the needs of your application. 

Consider the benefits and drawbacks of each hosting option before deciding on the one that best meets the needs of your application.

Hosting Services for Back-End Application

For hosting back-end applications, there are several free hosting services available. Here are some of the best options: 

  • Heroku: Heroku offers a free plan with 512 MB of RAM and the ability to host up to five apps. It supports a variety of programming languages, including Node.js, Python, Java, and Ruby.
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) Free Tier: AWS provides a free tier that allows users to access many of its services, such as EC2, Lambda, and RDS. This has resource limits and time constraints, but it’s a good option for hosting small-scale back-end applications.
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Free Tier: GCP has a free tier that gives you access to many of its services, including Compute Engine and Cloud Storage. This has specific resource and time limits, but it’s an excellent choice for hosting small-scale back-end applications.
  • Firebase: Firebase is a backend-as-a-service (BaaS) platform that offers features such as authentication, a real-time database, and cloud functions. Firebase provides a free plan that includes 1 GB of storage and 10 GB of bandwidth.
  • Netlify: Netlify is a platform that hosts static websites as well as serverless functions. It provides a free plan with unlimited bandwidth and supports various programming languages including JavaScript, Python, and Ruby.

It’s important to note that free hosting plans have resource limitations and may not be suitable for hosting large-scale or high-traffic applications. Before using any hosting service, carefully read the terms and conditions. 

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Hosting Provider

Several considerations need to be made when selecting a hosting provider for a back-end application. 

  • Cost: The pricing structure of the hosting provider should be transparent and fit within the application’s budget. Consider the cost of various hosting options and services, such as server setup, maintenance, and extra features.
  • Reputation: Select a hosting provider with a good industry reputation. Look for user reviews and testimonials, as well as the provider’s uptime and reliability history.
  • Security: The hosting provider’s security measures should be strong enough to protect the back-end application and its data from various security threats such as hacking, malware, and DDoS attacks. Firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, SSL/TTS encryption, and regular security audits are examples of such measures.
  • Support: The hosting provider should provide dependable and responsive support to resolve any issues with the back-end application. This can include technical support 24 hours a day, live chat, email support, and a knowledge base.
  • Performance: The hosting provider’s infrastructure should be powerful and reliable enough to handle the back-end application’s workload and traffic. To ensure that the application runs smoothly, the provider should provide adequate processing power, memory, storage, and network bandwidth.
  • Scalability: The hosting provider should provide scalability options that allow the back-end application to handle sudden traffic spikes or growing user bases. This can include dynamic resource allocation, auto-scaling, and load balancing.

To summarize, selecting a hosting provider for a back-end application necessitates careful consideration of these factors. It’s critical to select a provider who best meets the needs and budget of the application. 


This tutorial will teach you how to host a back-end application. While you can use various programming languages and tools to create and deploy back-end applications, we’ll build ours with Node.js and Express, and we’ll host it on Heroku. 


To follow along with this tutorial, you’ll need a Heroku account. You’ll also need the following tools installed on your machine: 

Setting up Node.js/Express Server

Let’s create a simple Node.js application that we’ll deploy on Heroku. First, download and install Node.js on your computer. Run this command after installation to confirm that it’s installed: node –version   Open your text editor, create a new directory, and navigate to the new directory in the terminal. Then, run the command to initialize a new Node.js project: npm init -y This will create a package.json file that contains metadata about your application and dependencies. It will look like this:

  "name": "backend-project",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
  "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"keywords": [],
"author": "",
"license": "ISC"

  Install Express using the below command: npm install express Create a new file called server.js, app.js, or index.js where you’ll set up your Express server. We’ll be using index.js in this tutorial. After creating the file, import the Express module in your index.js file using the following command:

const express = require('express');
const app = express();

Define routes for your application using express. You can define routes using the app.get(), app.post(), app.put(), and app.delete() method of the app object. We’ll be creating a simple GET request to the root URL (“/”) and sending the response “Hello World.”

app.get("/", (req, res) => {
    res.send("Hello World");

Start the Express server by calling the listen() method on the app object.

const PORT = process.env.PORT || 5000;

app.listen(PORT, ()=> {
    console.log(`Server listening on port ${PORT});

  The code will start the server on the port specified in the PORT environment variable, or on port 5000. Test the server. To do this, run the command node index.js command in the terminal. Then, open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000, or the port specified in the PORT environment variable. You should see the message “Hello World” displayed in the browser. 

Hosting on Heroku

To host our Node.js application on Heroku, first, sign up for a Heroku account and install the Heroku CLI. Log in to your Heroku account by running the command on the command prompt: heroku login Navigate to the directory where your Node.js application is located. Create a new Heroku app by running the following command: heroku create [your project name here] This will create a new app on Heroku. Create a Procfile in the root directory of your application. This file specifies the command that Heroku should use to start your application. The contents of the Procfile should be web: node index.js. You can replace “index.js” with the name of the main file of your application. Commit your changes to your local Git repository:

git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"

The initial commit is a commit message, so you can use any descriptive message. Push your changes to the remote Heroku Git repository: 

git push heroku master

This will deploy your application to Heroku. 


In conclusion, while hosting a back-end application can be a daunting task, it’s doable with the right steps and knowledge. When selecting a hosting provider or service, it’s critical to consider factors such as scalability, security, and cost. Furthermore, choosing an appropriate infrastructure and deployment strategy can make the hosting process more efficient and streamlined. Consider Control Plane if you need a comprehensive solution to host your back-end applications. Control Plane provides developers with the flexibility they need to build and manage their cloud infrastructure by allowing them to combine and configure public and private clouds. Also, its Capacity AI feature optimizes resource usage, resulting in substantial cost savings.

Control Plane provides developers with the flexibility they need to build and manage their cloud infrastructure.

Visit the Control Plane website to find out more about how their product can help your company. Whether you use a cloud-based service or host your back end on a dedicated server, your application must be secure, highly available, and easily scalable to meet your users’ needs. You can deploy and host your back-end application with confidence if you follow the steps outlined in this tutorial, knowing that you have taken the necessary steps to ensure its optimal performance and reliability. Remember to keep your back end monitored and maintained regularly to ensure it is up to date with the latest security patches and updates, as well as to optimize its performance over time. 

This post was written by Vincent Chosen. Vincent is a web developer and technical writer. He has proficient knowledge in JavaScript, ReactJS, NextJS, React Native, Nodejs and Database. Aside from coding, Vincent loves playing chess and discussing tech related topics with other developers.